Friday, January 30, 2009


I gotta say when i signed up for this class I really didn't know what to expect, I saw the name Corporate Training and thought it was going to be similar to a RET class I had taken before about Human Resources. I figured it would of been structured the same, we would have a textbook and lectures and quizzes best off of it. But after the frist day of TSTM444 I learned that this is a completely differnt structured class, one that I never thought existed. We post on Blogs, granted I'm not to trilled about it but its a very neat concept, we answer questions on assigned readings on discusion boards, this class as a whole is a very uniquely structured class granted I do think it can be silly at times but in the long run is may grow on me.


  1. I agree with you Brandon. When I signed up for this class I thought it was going to be different also. I knew that the TSTM department was going to try online classes but I had know clue that this class was an online course.

  2. Yeah, at first I didn't know what this class was going to be teaching. I don't know if we'll branch off into new topics in the future, but right know it seems that we're learning adult teaching principles. I could see how this would be usefull in a business capacity. I don't, however, see why that wouldn't make this a business class instead of a TSTM class. I suppose that it would make sense if they meant for us to convey technological ideas to our employees or customers.
